Professor of Surgery, University of PARIS
Emeritus Professor of Surgery, René Descartes-Faculty of Medecine
Department of Digestive and General Surgery
University of PARIS VI (FRANCE)
Post-Graduate School
1955 - 1962
University of Algiers (France)
“Interne des Hopitaux” for 5 years - Surgery, nominated N°1.
Chief Clinic-resident”: 1961-1962
1962 - 1966
University of PARIS, FRANCE
Department of Anatomy ( Pr DELMAS) Research and teaching.
Clinical- resident: Department of general and Digestive Surgery ( HOPITAL BROUSSAIS , PARIS, Chairman: Pr POILLEUX) Clinical Research and digestive surgery : hepatic, pancreatic and wall.
Special practice in General Surgery and Anatomy
1988 - 1991
Minimally Invasive Surgery and Endoscopy ( initiation and teaching in MIS) Broussais Hospital : University of PARIS , FRANCE
Research in pancreatic-transplant surgery on dogs: 1993-1995
Academic Career
Professor of Anatomy and Surgery, 1st degree ( University PARIS VI )
First assistant in the “Service de Chirurgie générale et digestive ( Pr POILLEUX) PARIS
Full Professor
First assistant in the Department of General Surgery, Surgical: Speciality in hepatic and pancreatic surgery.
Elected as Chairman of the Department of General Surgery – University of PARIS, Broussais-hospital.
1975 - 1998
Professor and Chairman: Surgical Center for Digestive, and Wall diseases, Expert in pancreatic and hepatic surgery.
Founder-member of the GREPA- GROUP 1979 ( EHS)
1991 - 1998
Chairman: Department of General and Digestive Surgery.
Head of the Workgroup for Minimally Invasive and Laparoscopic Surgery in the University PARIS VI
1996 - 2013
Honorary-General surgeon, consultant : Hotel-Dieu, Public Hospital, PARIS
Laparoscopic Surgical Training Program: at HOTEL DIEU HOSPITAL (PARIS)
Director and funding Surgeon for the annual “Surgical training for National Diploma in Wall surgery”1996
2003 - 2010
Major actual interests: with multiple publications
laparoscopic surgery since 1989
hepatic pancreatic and biliary surgery
Wall surgery
Medico-legal complaints in Open and Laparoscopic general, bariatric surgery
Medico-legal complaints in Open and Laparoscopic hernia surgery
Scientific Societies
Member of:
AFC (French Society of Surgery)
SFCL (French Society of Endoscopic Surgery)
Collegium Chirurgie Digestivae (CICD)
EHS (European Hernia Society)
Society for Anatomy (PARIS)
Society of Anthropology
National Academy of Surgery
French Society of digestive Surgery
European Association of Clinical anatomy
French College of General, Visceral and Digestive Surgery
President of the permanent Advisory Committee of European Hernia Society
Member of the editorial Board of HERNIA Journal (Springer editor)
Lecturer at the Association Française de Chirurgie(2004-2005-2006-2007-2008-2009-2010)
Invited lecturer at the Hepato-biliary Center , Paris, Paul Brousse Institute
Congress Organization
Member of the Organizing Committee:
General Secretary and chairman of the Organizing Committee:
Courses director:
1. Advanced annual Laparoscopic Workshop, Paris, BROUSSAIS HOSPITAL: 1992 - 1996
2. Workshop “ Laparoscopic hepatic surgery ", San Diego: 1992
3. Advanced annual Workshop “Ventral & Inguinal Hernia Repairs", HOTEL DIEU: 1996 -
4. Medico-legal implications in surgery: laparoscopic, hernia, bariatric surgery
450 papers in Peer-Review, national and International journals, Chapters of Book, Congress Books,
158 papers are now readable in Pub Med.
Proceedings and/or presented at National and International Meetings.
To be detailed
Books and /or Chapter of Books
Surgical Technique Movies
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